Ben Selvin Happy Days Are Here Again

Time: 6pm BST, Sun 26th September
Place: Cambridge 105 Radio

James Errington presents an archaeological investigation into the year 1930. Wall Street has crashed, the swell depression has arrived, record sales are down 95%, just the music goes on! Featuring Louis Armstrong, Jimmie Rodgers, Cab Calloway, Marlene Dietrich, Blind Willie Johnson and much more.

You can listen to the bear witness on 105fm in Cambridge, on DAB digital, on the Cambridge 105 website here, or on any good radio apps, or play the whole extended version on this mixcloud player, as you lot've already missed it.

A two-hour immersive mix of classical / orchestral music recorded in the years 1930 to 1933, featuring solos from Yehudi Menuhin, Fritz Kreisler and Arthur Schnabel and orchestras conducted past Edward Elgar, Maurice Ravel and Leopold Stokowski.

0:00:00 The Philadelphia Orchestra, Conducted By Leopold Stokowski – Schoenberg's Gurre-Lieder, 1st Section
0:xv:13 Arthur Schnabel – Beethoven Sonata No 31 In A Flat Major, Op 110 Moderato Cantabile Molto Espressivo
0:21:33 London Symphony Orchestra With Yehudi Menuhin, Conducted By Edward Elgar – Elgar Violin Concerto
ane:11:13 Yehudi Menuhin – Paganini Kreisler Caprice No. 24
1:17:57 Georg Kulenkampff – Tambourin Chinois (Kreisler)
1:21:30 Fritz Kreisler – Liebesleid (Kreisler)
i:25:02 Joseph Szigeti – Bach Solo Violin Sonata 2d Mvt
1:30:eleven Grigoras Dinicu – Ca Pe Lunca
ane:33:04 Lamoureux Orchestra, Conducted by Maurice Ravel – Ravel'due south Bolero
ane:48:45 Alexander Mossolov – Zavod, Symphony Of Machines
i:51:36 Wanda Landowska, Harpsichord – Variations 16-twenty
1:58:27 The Philadelphia Orchestra, Conducted By Leopold Stokowski – 1812 Overture Op. 49

All Patreon backers are now able to get bonus mixes – and then sign up for $i per month for access – or $five or more for full access to all mixes. – Sign upward hither for instant admission, or only click through if yous are already a capitalist.

All Repose on the Western Front end

The Blue Angel

50'Age D'Or


Hell's Angels

Under the Roofs of Paris

Animal Crackers

Anna Christie

People on Dominicus

Kingdom of morocco

The Large Trail

City Girl

Niggling Caesar

The Large House

February ten – The Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng launch the Yên Bái mutiny in the hope of ending French colonial dominion in Vietnam.
Feb xviii – While studying photographs taken in January, Clyde Tombaugh confirms the existence of Pluto
March five – Danish painter Einar Wegener begins sex activity reassignment surgery in Germany, and takes the name Lili Elbe.
March 6 – The offset frozen foods of Clarence Birdseye go on sale in Springfield, Massachusetts.
March 12 – Mahatma Gandhi sets off on a 200-mile protest march towards the bounding main with 78 followers, to protest the British monopoly on salt
March 29 – Heinrich Brüning is appointed Chancellor of Federal republic of germany
March 31 – The Motion Picture Product Code (Hays Code) is instituted in the Us, imposing strict guidelines on the treatment of sex, crime, organized religion and violence in films for the side by side 40 years.
April 5 – Mahatma Gandhi breaks the Salt laws of British India, past making salt by the bounding main at the stop of the Salt March
April 6 – Hostess Twinkies are invented.
April 18 – The Chittagong Rebellion begins in Republic of india, with the Chittagong armoury raid.
April 21 – A burn down in the Ohio Penitentiary in Columbus kills 320 people.
May half dozen – The Salmas convulsion shakes northwestern Iran and southeastern Turkey, up to three,000 people are killed.
May 15 – Nurse Ellen Church becomes the world'due south first flying bellboy, working on a Boeing Air Ship trimotor.
May 17 – French Prime number Minister André Tardieu decides to withdraw the remaining French troops from the Rhineland.
May 24 – Amy Johnson lands in Darwin, Commonwealth of australia, becoming the offset adult female to fly solo from England to Australia
July 13 – The first FIFA World Cup starts – Lucien Laurent scores the first goal, for French republic against Mexico.
July 28 – R. B. Bennett defeats William Lyon Mackenzie King in federal elections, and becomes the Prime Minister of Canada.
July thirty – Uruguay beats Argentine republic 4–2, to win the first Association football FIFA World Loving cup final at Estadio Centenario, in Montevideo.
Baronial 6 – Judge Joseph Force Crater disappears in New York City.
August vii – Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith are lynched in Marion, Indiana – the photo of this event will inspire the song Strange Fruit
August 9 – Drawing grapheme Betty Boop appears for the get-go time on screen, in the animated moving picture Dizzy Dishes.
September 3 – A huge hurricane in the Caribbean area demolishes most of the urban center of Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Democracy.
September 6 – José Félix Uriburu carries out a military insurrection, overthrowing Hipólito Yrigoyen, President of Argentina.
September 8 – Scotch Tape, invented by Richard Gurley Drew, is sold by the 3M company in the Usa for the commencement fourth dimension.
September 17 – The Kurdish Ararat rebellion is suppressed by the Turks.
October 5 – British airship R101 crashes in France en route to India, on its maiden long-range flight, resulting in the loss of 48 lives.
November 3 – Getúlio Vargas becomes president of Brazil.
December 2 – President Herbert Hoover goes before the The states Congress to ask for a $150 meg public works program, to help create jobs and to stimulate the American economic system.
December xix – Mount Merapi volcano in fundamental Java, Indonesia, erupts, destroying numerous villages and killing 1,300 people.
December 29 – Sir Muhammad Iqbal'south presidential address in Allahabad introduces the two-nation theory, outlining a vision for the creation of Islamic republic of pakistan.

At Centuries of Sound I am making mixes for every year of recorded audio. The download hither is a cut-down threescore infinitesimal mix, for the full 180-minute version please come up to to stream, or for downloads and a host of other bonus materials for just $5 per calendar month.

MP3 preview download | Patreon | Apple | Mixcloud | Spotify | Castbox | Stitcher | Radiopublic | RSS

The crash has happened, then, the music industry has gone down with the Dow, and there'south no sign of anyone reviving it. I therefore approached this year with low expectations. Perhaps we would have music of the standard of say 1925, just with higher production standards. I was wrong.

1925 is however a good year to look to though, these two mixes are linked by a common thread; Russian documentary motion picture-maker Dziga Vertov. As the cut-up sound collages he made in 1925 influenced the jagged sound of that twelvemonth's mix, and so a series of samples from his documentary "Enthusiasm" – along with pieces from Walter Ruttman's pioneering audio montage "Wochenende" – form the backbone of this also fairly harsh / jagged mix.

This time, however, the explosion in audio film has given me a lot more than in terms of sound samples to cut up and push button together. By "a lot more" I hateful that the diverse qualities and sheer volume of source cloth which has gone into this mix made it experience similar a huge project on its own. I feel like I've just lived through 1930. Information technology was a fascinating time, this might well exist the best mix I've made, merely I likewise feel exhausted and emotionally tuckered by the feel. I am confident that this feeling doesn't come through in the mix, by the way.

Commonly here I would write a longer blurb, but this fourth dimension, well, sorry, that's information technology, but hither'southward the music, go heed to it.


0:00:21 MGM Studios – Lion's Roar
0:00:27 Groucho Marx – Beast Crackers (Excerpt 1)
0:00:29 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Extract 1)
0:00:37 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt 1)
0:00:50 Louis Armstrong – Dear Old Southland
0:04:05 James Sibley Watson – Tomatos Another Day (Excerpt 1)
0:04:08 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Extract two)
0:04:25 Jonuzi Me Shoket – Vome Kaba
0:05:23 Thousand. Nguyen Van Minh-Con – Nam Nhi-Tu
0:06:09 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Extract 2)
0:06:24 Irving Mills Hotsy Totsy Gang – Deep Harlem
0:08:04 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt 3)
0:08:16 George Bernard Shaw – New Talk To Movietone (Excerpt 1)
0:08:34 Large Bill Broonzy – Hip Shakin' Strut
0:11:29 Groucho Marx and Margaret Dumont – Creature Crackers (Extract 2)
0:11:45 Barbecue Joe and his Hot Dogs – Tar Paper Stomp (Wingy's Stomp)
0:13:thirty Jean Harlow – Hells Angels (Excerpt 1)
0:xiii:46 Lucille Bogan – They Ain't Walking No More
0:15:45 James Sibley Watson – Tomatos Another Day (Excerpt two)
0:16:02 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Extract 3)
0:16:06 Cyganska Orchestra Stefana – Cyganske Vesilia, Pt. 4
0:17:23 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt iv)
0:17:46 Lotte Lenya – Alabama Song
0:19:10 Marlene Dietrich – Bluish Affections Screentest (Extract 1)
0:19:15 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt 5)
0:19:30 Marlene Dietrich – Falling In Dearest Again
0:21:03 Marlene Dietrich – Ich Bin Von Kopf Biss Fuss
0:22:29 Marlene Dietrich – Blue Angel Screentest (Extract 2)
0:22:31 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Extract 6)
0:22:54 Louis Davids – Kleine Man (soundtrack)
0:23:48 Albert Einstein – Einstein Speaks (1930 Movietone Moment)
0:23:58 Comedian Harmonists – Wochenend Und Sonnenschein
0:25:06 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Extract seven)
0:25:fifteen Lotte Lenya – Denn wie man sich bettet, and then liegt man
0:27:17 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Extract 8)
0:27:31 Joe Venuti – Wild Dog
0:28:55 British Pathe – The Greatest Road Race Ever! (Excerpt ane)
0:29:00 Casa Hill Orchestra – San Sue S
0:30:57 British Pathe – Giant British Air Liner (Excerpt 1)
0:31:06 Fletcher Henderson – Chinatown My Chinatown
0:32:59 Unknown Performers – Unknown (Cantonese)
0:33:08 Nai Po & Thai Royal Page Military machine Brass Band – Pleng Khrawp Chakara Wan Thao Tawn Abu Hassan Taeng Ngan
0:34:42 Mr. Muean & Ms. Aet, The Sak Som Peo Ensemble – Srey Sroh Mien Thrung
0:36:00 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Excerpt 4)
0:36:17 Jimmie Davis – Doggone That Train
0:37:42 British Pathe – Behemothic British Air Liner (Excerpt 2)
0:37:56 Jimmie Rodgers – Hobo Beak'southward Last Ride
0:40:27 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Excerpt 5)
0:xl:35 Gus Cannon's Jug Stompers – Money Never Runs Out
0:42:13 Edward One thousand. Robinson – Little Caesar (Excerpt ane)
0:42:23 Cab Calloway and His Orchestra – The Viper's Elevate
0:45:42 Greta Garbo – Anna Christie (Extract 1)
0:45:56 The Jungle Band – Tiger Rag (Part II)
0:47:23 Groucho Marx – Animal Crackers (Extract three)
0:47:25 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Extract half-dozen)
0:47:29 Askari Wa Yard.A.R. Ya Sita (6th K.A.R.) – Kofia Nyekundu
0:49:24 Mbaruk Talsam – Comic Sketch
0:fifty:21 Richard Ábé Brown Ring – Bārā Sānābo Bārā
0:51:35 John Gilbert – Speech in front end of the court in Redemption (Excerpt 1)
0:51:42 Caluza's Double Quartet – Imini Ifikile
0:52:47 Blind Willie Johnson – John The Revelator
0:54:31 Rev. D.C. Rice – We Got the Same Kinda Power Over Here
0:56:31 Elder Back-scratch – Memphis Flu
0:58:31 Holy Ghost Sanctified Singers – Yard Carest Lord, For Me
0:59:xvi James A Fitzpatrick – Movie Horoscope (Excerpt 1)
0:59:25 Jack Hylton – Keen Twenty-four hours
1:00:45 Santa Claus – Meets Calvin Coolidge
1:00:57 Paul Whiteman – Ragamuffin' Romeo
1:02:39 Elinor Glyn – Explains It! (Excerpt ane)
i:02:57 Ethel Waters – 3 Little Words
1:05:51 Anne Sullivan – Newsreel Footage
1:06:01 Jack Payne BBC Dance band – My Baby Just Cares For Me
one:07:17 Jack Payne BBC Dance orchestra – Volition Anybody Hither Accept A Drink?
1:08:55 Grigoraș Dinicu – Ca Pe Luncă
i:11:29 Greta Garbo – Anna Christie (Excerpt 2)
1:eleven:32 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt ix)
one:11:53 Josephine Baker – J' Ai Deux Amours
1:13:26 Lucienne Boyer – Dans La Fumée
1:fifteen:26 British Pathe – Great Danes (Excerpt 1)
1:15:47 Maurice Chevalier – Livin' In The Sunlight
i:17:54 Georgius – Je suis blasé
1:xix:33 Pola Illéry & Albert Préjean – Sous les toits de Paris
1:19:45 Ruth Etting – Ten Cents A Trip the light fantastic
i:21:57 James Sibley Watson – Tomatos Another Day (Excerpt three)
1:22:14 Boswell Sisters – That's What I Like Almost You
1:24:13 Charles Farrell – Dearest Scene from Liliom (Extract one)
1:24:24 Luis Russell & His Orchestra – Panama
one:27:forty Laurel & Hardy – Scene from The Laurel-Hardy Murder Instance (Excerpt 1)
one:27:47 Ben Tobier And His California Cyclones – Hot And Heavy
1:30:15 President Cosgrave – British Pathe Newsreel (Extract 1)
1:xxx:29 Fred Astaire – Puttin On The Ritz
1:32:02 British Pathe & Albert Einstein – Relatively Speaking … He'southward Delighted!
1:32:13 Ben Selvin – Happy Days Are Here Again
1:34:06 Robert Montgomerie – The Big House (Extract)
i:34:10 Memphis Jug Band – Cocaine Habit Blues
1:36:56 Reichsprassident Von Hindenburg – Am Rhein! Aka Reichsprafident (Extract one)
ane:37:07 Chuck Darling – Blowing Blues
one:37:54 Dilly and his Dill Pickles – Pickin' Off Peanuts
1:39:21 Emmett Miller – Sam's New Task (Excerpt)
1:39:37 Yank Rachel With Sleepy John Estes & Jab Jones – Sweet Mama
1:41:12 Greta Garbo – Anna Christie (Excerpt 3)
1:41:15 Mississippi Bracey – You Scolded Me And Drove Me
1:42:59 British Pathe – The Fastest Game In The Globe
1:43:09 Roy Harvey & Jess Johnson – Jefferson Street Rag
i:45:18 Calvin Coolidge – Meets Santa Claus
one:45:28 Lil McClintock – Don't Think I'm Santa Claus
1:46:32 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt x)
1:46:47 Son House – My Black Mama, Pt. 1 & 2
1:48:41 Willie Walker – South Carolina Rag
1:50:56 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Extract vi)
1:51:25 Walter Page – Blue Devil Blues
1:54:07 Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan – 1930 Newsreel Footage (Excerpt 2)
1:54:35 Carmen Miranda – Deixa Disso
1:55:35 James A Fitzpatrick – Motion-picture show Horoscope (Excerpt 2)
1:55:44 Orquesta Tipica Porteña – Esponjita
one:56:50 British Pathe – Soccer Once again
1:56:57 California Rambers – The Peanut Vendor
1:59:24 British Pathe – Great Danes (Excerpt ii)
1:59:30 Joe Venuti's Blue Four – Raggin' The Scale
ii:00:40 George Bernard Shaw – New Talk To Movietone (Excerpt 2)
2:00:57 Fritz Kreisler – Liebesleid (Kreisler) (Love's Sorrow)
2:02:07 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt eleven)
2:02:37 Llaqi Me Llautte – Havazi I Dy Motrave
2:03:20 Norma Shearer & Chester Morris – The Divorcee (Excerpt 1)
2:03:54 Madame Hafize & Selim – Sta Triya (Treshe (In Three) Dance)
2:04:21 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Excerpt 7)
2:04:39 James Sibley Watson – Tomatos Another Day (Excerpt 4)
two:04:53 Rex Oliver – Mule Face Blues
2:07:46 Groucho Marx and Margaret Dumont – Animal Crackers (Extract 4)
2:08:06 Bix Beiderbecke Orchestra – I'll Be A Friend With Pleasure
2:09:39 Red Nichols & His Five Pennies – Bug-A-Boo
2:12:47 British Pathe – The Greatest Road Race Always! (Excerpt 2)
ii:12:53 Louis Armstrong – St. Louis Blues
2:13:56 Cab Calloway – St. Louis Dejection
2:16:03 Charles Farrell – Love Scene from Liliom (Extract 2)
two:sixteen:04 Frankie Trumbauer & His Orchestra – Get Happy
2:18:28 Groucho Marx – Brute Crackers (Excerpt 5)
2:18:33 James P Johnson – Jingles
two:twenty:xxx Jack Payne BBC Dance Orchestra – Any Rags Bottles Or Bones
2:21:02 A.A. Gray & Vii Foot Dilly – Streak of Lean, Streak of Fat
ii:22:14 Greta Garbo – Anna Christie (Excerpt four)
2:22:17 Jimmie Rodgers – Those Gambler's Blues
two:24:58 John Gilbert – Speech in front of the court in Redemption (Extract 2)
2:25:09 Geeshie Wiley – Last Kind Words Dejection
2:26:23 Edward Thou. Robinson – Little Caesar (Excerpt two)
2:26:31 Giftiddle Jim – Paddlin' Blues
2:29:43 Laurel & Hardy – Scene from The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case (Excerpt two)
2:29:51 Charley Patton – Loftier Water Everywhere (part ane)
2:31:41 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt 12)
2:32:05 Delta Big Four – Nosotros All Gonna Face The Ascent Dominicus
2:33:03 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Excerpt 8)
2:33:11 Cheikha Tetma – Guenene Tini
2:33:28 Urbano A. Zafra & Mauro Baradi – Danza Filipina
2:35:02 Elinor Glyn – Explains It! (Excerpt 2)
ii:35:12 Sak Som Peo Ensemble – Phleng Boran
2:37:02 James Sibley Watson – Tomatos Another Day (Excerpt 5)
2:37:xv Los Jardineros – Conversacion
2:38:24 George Bernard Shaw – New Talk To Movietone (Extract 3)
2:38:32 António Landeiro – Variações Sobre o Fado Corrido Em Ré Maior
two:39:50 Jean Harlow – Hells Angels (Excerpt two)
2:39:55 Fred Rich – I Got Rhythm (vocal Smith Ballew)
2:42:21 Charles Farrell – Beloved Scene from Liliom (Extract three)
2:42:33 The Jungle Band – Mood Indigo
2:44:46 Reichsprassident Von Hindenburg – Am Rhein! Aka Reichsprafident (Extract 2)
2:44:fifty Barbecue Joe and his Hot Dogs – Tin can Roof Blues
2:45:36 Missourians – Swingin' Dem Cats
two:47:00 Bennie Moten – Bouncin' Round
ii:48:fifteen President Cosgrave – British Pathe Newsreel (Extract two)
ii:48:xx Joe Venuti – I've Found A New Baby
2:51:14 James Sibley Watson – Tomatos Another Day (Excerpt vi)
2:51:28 Willie Dark-brown – Futurity Blues
two:52:58 Bayless Rose – Jamestown Exhibition
2:54:45 Groucho & Zeppo Marx – Beast Crackers (Extract six)
ii:54:l The Deauville Syncopators – Cheerful Picayune Earful
2:56:36 Elinor Glyn – Explains It! (Excerpt iii)
ii:56:55 Helen Kane – How Are You?
2:57:41 Newsreel – Hells Angels Premiere
2:58:00 Dziga Vertov – Enthusiasm! The Dombass Symphony (Excerpt 9)
2:58:14 Julius Meytuss – Dnieprostroi, The Dnieper Hydro-electrical Power Station
2:59:17 Walter Ruttmann – Wochende (Excerpt 13)
2:59:36 Leopold Stokowski and The Philadelphia Orchestra – 1812 Overture Op. 49
three:00:39 George Bernard Shaw – New Talk To Movietone (Excerpt four)
3:00:57 Ben Bernie – Au Revoir Pleasant Dreams
3:02:30 Lewis Milestone – All Quiet on the Western Front (Extract)


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